List of Forest Management Resources
NSWOOA maintains an extensive list of management resources for the Wabanaki-Acadian forest.
Forest Ecosystem Classification Technical Guide
This technical guide is a companion to the FEC report. It provides more details on FEC Soil Types and FEC Ecosites listed in the field guide.
A Nutrient-Sustainable Harvest Assessment Tool for Nova Scotia Acadian Forests
This report provides and overview of the two projects, Forest Nutrient Budget Model Project & Provincial Soil Sampling Program, and discusses development and use of the sustainability assessment tool.
Field Guide to Forest Biodiversity Stewardship
NSDNRR has compiled a hands-on field guide on forest biodiversity stewardship for forest landowners.
Into the Wabanaki: Forest Care Guide
The Community Forests International created a guide for anyone interested in learning more about forests and caring for their woodlands. You can either purchase a physical copy or download a pdf version for free!
Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix
NSDNRR has created a management guide that recommends appropriate harvest and silviculture treatments for Crown forest land assigned to the ecological matrix zone (in which biodiversity priorities and timber objectives are both applicable and combined).
Forest Ecosystem Classification Report
The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (NSDNRR) has developed a classification framework to identify and describe stand-level forest ecosystems in Nova Scotia.